Wood offers many advantages over other heating fuels. It is inexpensive, renewable, locally sourced (in most areas of New York), safe to store and transport, and has a lower carbon impact. However, wood does have some drawbacks, which must be considered and minimized.
With best management practices, forests can deliver relatively inexpensive fuel year after year—between half and one cord per acre—while simultaneously encouraging the growth of high-quality tree species, holding back the spread of invasive species, creating optimal wildlife habitats, and decreasing the likelihood of forest fires.
If properly used, wood is an excellent fuel source. From raw material to combustion, it is hard to beat seasoned split wood as a renewable and inexpensive way to heat our homes and businesses. But if done improperly, heating with wood can put our health, our homes, and our environment at risk.
The key to making the most of heating with wood is properly harvesting, storing, burning and maintaining equipment, as well as ensuring that you are using the cleanest-burning technology available.
You can find the latest information on how to best use wood to heat homes and businesses with maximum efficiency and minimum emissions, on CCE Tompkins handy Heating with Wood website, or by contacting CCE Tompkins Energy Team Leader, Guillermo Metz at (607)272-2292 Ext. 185 – email: gm52@cornell.edu
Heating with Wood resources developed by Guillermo Metz, Renewable Energy & Green Building Program Coordinator at CCE-Tompkins
Guillermo Metz
CCE Tompkins Energy Team Leader
(607)272-2292 Ext.185
Last updated March 25, 2022