Woodlot Management Workshop at the Albers Tree Farms in Bath, NY. Friday, September 23rd from 2:00 – 5:00 pm. Join Foresters Greg Muller from the NYS DEC, Brett Chedzoy from Cornell Cooperative Extension, and the host’s Consulting Forester, Billy Morris, to learn how to manage your own woods for greater profit and pleasure. Some of the many topics that will be covered throughout the afternoon include: The benefits and importance of hands-on management; weeding the woods for firewood production; improving the land for key wildlife species; strategies to control undesirable plants in the forest understory; establishing new trees in the woods; and small-scale tree harvesting. This workshop will take place rain or shine, so participants should dress for the weather and be prepared to walk about one mile in forest conditions. Meet at the property entrance, just west of 6816 Wilbur Creek Road in Bath. This event is free and open to the public. No RSVP is necessary, but for further information please contact Schuyler CCE at: 607-535-7161, or by email: bjc226@cornell.edu
Brett Chedzoy
Senior Resource Educator in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Regional Director for the CCE Master Forest Owner volunteer program, Forest Manager for Cornell’s Arnot Teaching and Research Forest
Last updated August 23, 2016