A group class at CCE-Tompkins
A group nutrition class for individuals from the Finger Lakes Independence Center in Ithaca, NY (2012)
A group nutrition class offered by CCE-Tompkins for participants in the Groton's Families! program (May 2010).
For Agencies
Call today and arrange to partner with our staff to bring FREE nutrition education to clients who qualify for and/or receive benefits through SNAP, WIC, Head Start, Medicaid, TANF or SSI Choose a one-time lesson or a series of hands-on, interactive lessons led by a trained nutrition educator at your location or ours, or at another community site. Participants learn and are encouraged to improve their food and physical activity knowledge, skills and behaviors.
Lesson topics may include:
- Eating Well for Less (Saving Food Dollars)
- Feeding Young Children
- Keeping Food Safe
- Making Healthy Choices and Modifying Recipes (amount of fat, sugar, and sodium in food)
- Reading a Nutrition Label to make healthier choices
- Using MyPlate to help plan healthy meals
Key messages include:
- Eat fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and nonfat or low-fat milk or milk products every day.
- Be physically active every day as part of a healthy lifestyle.
- Balance calories eaten from foods and beverages with calories used when being physically active.
How to request a program:
Just call the contact listed below and ask to make a referral to the nutrition education program.
Last updated January 7, 2020